Saturday, November 27, 2010

Johnny Cupcakes 2010 Holiday Batch!

Yoo! Nothing referring to the brand but check out Johnny Cupcakes new batch of t-shirts that were just released for the holiday season over at!

A bunch of new shirts, hats and accessories were just put up, for those who are familiar with Johnny Cupcakes knows that once they're gone they're gone forever, so go scoop them up quick! Get ya holiday shopping done now!

Check out yours truly, FunkMistah_J and as well as FunkMeOut's very own Linda Thach, modeling some new Johnny Cupcakes gear!

Frosting Fox

Make Cupcakes Not War ( 2010)

For those who follow the brand should know that I admire and love Johnny and his brand more than anything, actually I think I've mentioned it in a previous post a few months back....might of blurbed about him a bit here and there but hMm....I don't quite remember...

To be asked to be a model for the renowned brand is such a honor, who in their right mind would turn it down? We trooped down to Johnny's Cupcakes Factory, got our model on, helped pack some of the new Johnny Cupcakes products, got lost, hit tolls and got stuck in traffic for almost 2 hours on the way back BUT IT WAS WORTH IT!

Though I'm a fan of many other brands, Johnny Cupcakes is where I hold my true loyalties, I'd trade my ENTIRE sneaker collection, hat collection, video game collection, WHATEVER for more Johnny Cupcakes t-shirts and products, heck I would even donate a KIDNEY if he needed it. ( What, you won't? )

Obsessive? Call it what you want but I would see it as more admiring the man behind the brand so much you would put your ENTIRE paycheck into supporting him and what he does, which is what I've done numerous times in the past actually.

"You'd donate a kidney? that's crazy!" Of course! What you'd rather do something crazy for a different brand such as Coach, Ed Hardy, or maybe Louis Vuitton perhaps? That's fine and dandy an all but let me ask you,  do you even know who they are? Better yet what they even look like?

Have they ever spent their time just talking and hanging out with you, their loyal customers, and answering ALL your questions about their business late into the night? Do they treat you for lunch or snacks with their own money?

Do they remember you on a first name basis? Do they treat you like family more than just a customer? Not sure about those guys but with Johnny, the answer is an immediate big fat YES!

Honestly, people like Johnny Earle, the man behind Johnny Cupcakes

This guy

comes ONCE in a generation. Johnny and college never got along but that didn't stop his drive for making a name for himself. Honestly its a really long story but you can read all about it here.

But to sum it all up, Johnny basically started his t-shirt company out of the trunk of his rusty old car and used his parent's house as a place to store his shirts.

This one

Where as his friends were attending college, establishing careers for themselves or working 9 - 5 jobs, Johnny drove that beat up car of his to shows to sell his t-shirts as well as meeting up with random strangers at shopping malls to sell his t-shirts. Johnny once said in a lecture how his friends would make fun of him for meeting up with strangers but hey, who has the last laugh now?

Johnny managed to somehow went from doing THAT to becoming a multi-millionaire at such a young age ( Dude's not even 30 yet! ), own 3 EXCLUSIVE shops within the US and one opening up in London,UK sometime next year, gets orders for his t-shirts THROUGHOUT the world as well as being named Business Week's TOP PICK for Entrepreneurs 25 and under!

Yet with all this success, the man still stays humble to his craft and his hard work. He treats all of his customers as if they were family, remembers most of us by a first name basis and not to mention from time to time treating his customers to FREE pizza, ice cream and even cupcakes!

Johnny Earle and his mom, the lovely Lorraine Earle

I love Johnny, his brand, his entire staff/family and all the friends that I've made through it. I cherish the friendship that I have with him more than anything and I can truly say that I'm blessed for him to see me as a friend, or more recently, his "adopted son". Johnny is the reason why I am the person I am today, what started out as a fixation become more of a lifestyle than just a brand.

The reason why I started taking my culinary skills more seriously or why I've started to delve deeper into photography, journalism, graphics design, as well as the reason why I started this brand, WHATEVER! its all because of Johnny.

What started at as us being as kids growing into adulthood and camping out for some new t-shirts with friends throughout the years, evolved into us doing occasional jobs for Johnny and his brand to even modeling! Some of the best memories of my life were spent on the stoop and sidewalk of his Newbury St. shop in Boston.

Happy 3 year anniversary Johnny!

To me, he's opened up my eyes that nothing worth trying is futile, and that the world is a big place so don't be afraid to try new things as well as appreciate the little things that life as to offer. But most importantly as long as you put your heart and soul into something you believe in, nothing is impossible. I'm a Johnny Cupcakes fan FIRST and FOREMOST and a brand owner second.

So YES I'll will continue support Johnny and his brand however I can to keep Johnny going and doing what he does best, INSPIRING OTHERS!

A fan 4 years and counting!

P.S To show how serious I am about this Johnny Cupcakes thing

I've slept on the street during frigid New England weather
Built and slept in a makeshift cardboard house on the street
As well as slept in a goddamn ATM booth
And I'll continue doing it!

P.P.S Yes I'm aware that the picture on Johnny's site looks nothing like me but its only because I look 10x sexier on it!

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