Friday, October 29, 2010


Never surround yourself with too many tasks, if you're feeling overwhelmed by a paper due the next day, a project or just work in general, forcing yourself to work on it will only impair your thoughts. By doing so you'll only focus on wanting to get that task done so you can just move on and forget about it. Rushing in such a way can easily make you miss out on the slightest detail which can make a major difference in getting an A+, a promotion at work or just overall doing a good job. Take the time to just sit back for a bit, take a break and relax. Its always good to clear your mind before you tackle a big project.

Running the brand as a one man project isn't exactly what I'd call easy. Receiving orders, packing and shipping as well as doing photo shoots, editing pictures, meeting up with business owners interested in carrying the brand, as well as doing wholesale while at the same time MANAGING a normal 9 to 5 job, a relationship and family, it gets crazy, but somehow it just goes.

Thank god for my old high school homie Jon, ( who also happens to be FunkMeOut's most recent model ) for hitting me up and taking me out to eat. It's always good just to be able to get away from work, enjoy a nice meal with good company and just catch up. It really helps lower the stress levels.

If Asian food is your thing then check out the drool worthy pics below fam!

Scallion Pancakes
Orange Flavored Crispy Beef
Hot & Spicy Satay Beef Chow Foon

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