Monday, March 1, 2010

Jason Chen x Scott Yoshimoto's "POKEMON" Cover

Youtube stars Scott Yoshimoto of MOVeMedia Productions and Singer Jason Chen has recently released a new video on Youtube.

First impression was "wth really?" and then "REALLY!??" haha

At first I was kinda iffy about such a song for these two Youtube stars to do but acutally I was pleasantly surprised, it came out pretty nice.

It made me relieve my childhood memories of collecting Pokemon cards and battling my friends, watching the TV shows as well as saving up all of my allowance for the Gameboy games. It was insane !

Back on track, whats the point of me posting a video like this you ask? Well not only am I supporting Asian-Americans within the entertainment industry. But this video also has close ties with one of the t-shirts I'm doing from the Spring Line. So keep checking back on the blog for new updates and the shirts and for now check out the video and support Jason Chen and MOVeMedia Productions!

Performed By:
Jason Chen
Scott Yoshimoto

Directed & Edited By:
Scott Yoshimoto

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Subscribe and follow Scott Yoshimoto

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