Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Be Happy =]

Direct quote from a good friend:

"Surround yourself with happy people and time will pass by quickly. Positively and productively. Waaaaaa" -Risse
Emphasis on the "Waaaaaa" haha

For some reason, people just tend to be grouchy and don't even notice it until it's too late. It's funny how the slightest thing can ruin your day or wreck your mood.

Yet it's the simplest things that can also affect you and put a smile on your face at the drop of a pin. Be it a cup of coffee, a friend's face, your favorite song, a happy memory, or something you read. It doesn't even matter, you'll just get happy at the sight/thought of it directly or indirectly. It's strange how today I was so caught up in being overworked and bummed about being unable to do the things I wish I could do, or heck even get done, that I decided to distract myself and clear my head.

Stumbling upon old pictures from back in the day when I was young and carefree, while jamming to a old school joint which I haven't heard in forever, brought back this nostalgia feeling of warmth that just made me so ecstatic.

Looking back at the young *cough skinny cough* version of me smiling back in the photo, I realized, "How did I forget to be happy? It was only a few years ago that these pictures were taken yet, within just a few years, I've completely become a different person.

Being a workaholic, paying bills, making that paycheck, spending money just to HAVE fun. What IS this nonsense?

Whatever happened to just laying in a bed of tall grass watching the clouds pass on by? Water gun fights, slip and slides, lemonade?

It's crazy how so much has changed in just a few years, granted I AM still young yet in this day and age it seems like the world just goes by so quick, people are maturing too fast and are forgetting how to just ENJOY life.

It's funny how I came across this quote from my friend, call it perfect timing but I read it as one of her status updates right after I stopped looking at pictures. She doesn't even know that indirectly, her words affected my mindset in such a big way. It's amazing how life works isn't it?

For those who are reading, you don't have to follow this advice, but I just wanted to say;

Those of you who are trying too hard to grow up too fast and not acting your age, slow down a little and take the time to enjoy life, you'll regret it because once you pass by those years they'll be gone forever.

For those you who are always working 24/7 worrying about money, there's nothing wrong with that, but there's also never anything wrong with stopping every now and then to just grab a cup of coffee ( or tea in my case ) with a friend to just catch up.

Life's TOO short to start stressing now my friends, even though it might be hard at some moments, just try and BE happy. You only live once, it doesn't matter how LONG you live a life, but HOW you live it, and WHAT you leave behind...... just saying. =D

Don't Follow . LEAD!