Sunday, December 12, 2010


Friends, Fans, Supporters of the FunkMeOut! Clothing Brand

I apologize for the lack of updates on our website, with the holidays I've been crazy busy running around trying to get everything together, on top of working basically 6 days a week and about 10 hours each day, by the time I get home all I want to do is just pack t-shirts to ship and then head right to bed.

Looks something like this
 On top of that, basically running everything as a one man brand, ( designing, working on collabs, photography, printing, folding, packing, shipping, contacting and setting up meetings ) really takes up time that I rarely have the effort to blog yet, I still attempt to squeeze in as much time as possible to blog here and there.

I would LOVE to have help to work on different aspects and areas of the brand but I still feel that the brand is TOO young to have a staff or so. Too many people working on the same project will always have different ideas and not carry the message or the view of the brand in the direction in the way I intend for it to go. The only time we'll have more people working for the brand is during events or pop up shops, and even then we already have people to turn to ( family members, my girlfriend and my circle of friends. I appreciate all the emails and messages that I've received in the past inquiring about working for the brand but I'm all set down the moment, Perhaps down the line?

In other news, all those who've ordered t-shirts, MAD LOVE AND RESPECT!

The holidays has been crazy for us! Receiving international orders on top of orders nationwide, its been a crazy experience working 10 hour days, working on only 2 -3 hours of sleep and the attempting to pack all of our t-shirt orders to send out. Its been almost a near delirious experience but I can't help but say thank you to all of those who support us, through lack of sleep and crappy weather, I'll work late into the night packing your orders!

Also! Congrats to my brother from another mother, Jayfree, for making it through the audition rounds for America's Got Talent!

Check out his videos below and subscribe to his youtube channel!

Sometime this month I'll be doing a contest where the winner gets a $100 giftcard from! I worked a Karmaloop a while back and they paid me on cash and a $100 giftcard, I honestly have no use for the giftcard so I figured why not give it to one of our supporters? But who? So I decided to hold a contest but what the contest is exactly I'm not quite sure. I'll figure it out though.

Also for those who demanded it! The Nujabe's t-shirt will be released to LIMITED quantities in a week or so! Stay updated with the blog, don't forget to like our facebook group to stay connected with the brand!!

Don't Follow . LEAD!



I've been getting alot of word from friends and family that I remind them of Bruno Mars, something about his eyes and our facial expressions that looks similar.

Do you guys see it?

Yea me either...

Oh well! Let's all just enjoy us some Bruno Mars yea?

Don't Follow . LEAD!

It's Cold...

So very cold...

Time for some Hot Pot!

I always love eating hot pot during the cold Winter days, its always been one of my favorite treats. For those who aren't familiar with Hot Pot, its sort of like Grandma's home made chicken noodle soup, it has that same warm soothing comfort feeling that's associated with it except you have more variety and eat it with the family.

You have hot broth and thinly sliced meats and veggies that you dip into the broth and let it cook. It's heaven! Here's a better video explaining how to eat hot pot, not the greatest video mind you but it does the trick.

Hope everyone is staying warm for the holidays!

Don't Follow . Lead!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

FunkMeOut! Spot

Sometimes having a twin isn't all that...

Don't Follow . LEAD!